Welcome to Avon Township

Avon Township is located in central Minnesota, approximately 15 miles NW of St. Cloud, in Stearns County. The City of Avon lies roughly in the center of the township. There are approximately 2000 residents in the township (census data).

The landscape, which was shaped by past glacial activity, is primarily rolling hills interspersed with lakes. The pre-settlement vegetation was largely oak woodlands with scattered lakes, wetlands and prairies. The flatter terrain and wetlands have made good farm land while the oak forests, many of which remain intact, provide the impetus for the Avon Hills Initiative. The Township is home to the MN DNR Avon Hills Forest Scientific & Natural Area. This SNA, which is an excellent birding spot, is a biologically diverse site with mature oak and maple-basswood forests, and a black ash swamp. The township is committed to preserving the rural and agricultural atmosphere of the area. The Lake Wobegon Trail runs east-to-west across the township highlighting the natural beauty of the area.

Benedictine monks settled in the SE corner of the township and founded St. John's Abbey and St. John's University. Only a few miles away in St. Joseph, Benedictine sisters established St. Benedict's Monastery and the College of St. Benedict. The township is a hub of renewable energy resources: St. John's is the site of a large solar garden and the Blattner Energy Corporation is one of the largest installers of wind turbines and solar arrays in the US.

A Board comprised of three Supervisors, a Clerk and Treasurer governs the Township. The main responsibilities of the Town Board are to maintain roads, run elections, hold Board of Appeal and Equalization hearings, administer township finances (Board of Audit), and be responsible for planning and zoning. The Planning Commission is comprised of five members whose purpose is to make recommendations to the Supervisors concerning variances, etc.

The Township Supervisors and Planning Commission meet on the first and last Wednesday of the month, respectively.  Meetings are held at Avon Township Hall, 16881 Queens Road. Township meetings are open to the public and all are welcome.  To include an item on the agenda of the Board of Supervisors or Planning Commission, contact the Township This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Avon Township has a Parking Ordinance and a Noise Ordinance.  An Exemption Form should be completed if you are planning an event that will violate the ordinance.

Legal notices are published in the Star Post, formerly Avon/Albany Enterprise (the paper merged and changed names). The official locations for posting notices are Avon Town Hall and The Store (St. Anna).

Photo Credits: Aerial images courtesy of Mary Gondringer. Liz Vos contributed the image of the prairie burn. Thanks to the Avon FD for submitting the photo of the firefighters. Sasquatch “pulling hayrack” image courtesy S Gainey. All others by Stephen Saupe.

Address: 16881 Queens Rd, Avon, MN 56310
E-mail us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact us: 320-248-8036