The Primary Election was held on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM, at the Avon Township Hall, 16881 Queens Road, Avon (MN). The pre-test and Public Accuracy tests were performed prior to the election.
There were 315 votes cast by Town residents in the election, which is a turnout of 22.3% of the registered voters. This was the first major election to feature the ePoll books for registration. In addition, we used the new ballot counters for the first time.
We thank the election judges for their dedicated service. The judges for this election were: Kelly Martini, Ken Mergen, Jane Merdan, Sue Rushmeyer, Bev Nathe, Marion Gondringer, Sharon Beach, Deb Angulski, Lisa Baker, Joyce Hess, and Stephen Saupe.