General Election 2022 - Summary


The General Election (Legal) was held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM, at the Avon Township Hall, 16881 Queens Road, Avon (MN). The pre-test and Public Accuracy tests were performed prior to the election.

On November 8, 2022, 1144 ballots were cast by residents of Avon Township.  Of these, 1058 (92.5%) were in-person at the Town Hall and the remaining 7.5% (86 ballots) were submitted as absentee ballots directly to Stearns County. Nearly 76.4% of registered Township residents voted in this election. Voter data are available at the following link (  Results from Avon Township can be found at the following link (  )

The polls were set up like they were during the 2022 Primary Election (link to page you create for primary abov).  Avon Township Election Judges are the best ever! We owe our deepest gratitude to: Deb Angulski, Ben Byker, Lisa Baker Gilk, Dave Ehlinger, Duane Fasen, Marion Gondringer, Jay Hedlund, Kelly Martini (Head Judge), Sue Rushmeyer, and Stephen Saupe. Anyone interested in serving as an election judge in the future, should contact S Saupe (Avon Township Clerk at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. can just include this as a link).